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Division of Geriatrics and Palliative Medicine

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Improving Healthcare for People Aging with HIV

By the end of 2013, almost 17% of people living with HIV in New York City were 60 or older, and that percentage is increasing. Although this aging demographic represents a remarkable achievement in HIV care, these individuals have seen accentuated aging, with more comorbidities at a younger than expected age as well as a heavier burden of psychiatric illness. Their social networks are fragile and often unable to provide adequate support, while the social service agencies that assist them may often lack the resources to meet their needs as they age.

Aging with HIV Program

Weill Cornell Medical College’s Division of Geriatrics and Palliative Medicine has received generous support from the Fan Fox and Leslie R. Samuels Foundation to collaborate with Weill Cornell’s Center for Special Studies (CSS), which provides clinically active and highly respected HIV care. This grant enables us to help those aging with HIV infection by underwriting: 1) geriatric care and consultation within CSS; 2) education for staff and providers re: aging and HIV, to increase the resources for older patients at CSS; and 3) robust linkages with agencies that work with older HIV-positive individuals in order to better meet biopsychosocial needs of this growing population. 

Division of Geriatrics and Palliative Medicine New York-Presbyterian Hospital Weill Cornell Medicine New York, NY