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Division of Geriatrics and Palliative Medicine

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Palliative Medicine

Inpatient Care

Palliative Care Consultation Service

The Palliative Care Consultation Team (physician, nurse practitioner, social worker and chaplain) offers pain and symptom management for adult inpatients and educates patients and their families so they can make informed decisions regarding goals of care. Our interdisciplinary team treats the whole person, working towards meeting the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of the patient and family.

Outpatient Care

Palliative Care Consultation Service

The Outpatient Palliative Care Consultation Team (physician, nurse practitioner and social worker) collaborates with outpatient primary care physicians to provide specialized medical care to patients who are suffering from a serious illness or other chronic and debilitating conditions, such as oncology or dialysis patients. Specialized care from the Palliative Care Team includes expert symptom management, supportive counseling and advance-care planning.

Bereavement Services

The Bereavement Services Program at New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center was established to help families, friends and staff find needed support and resources in times of grief. Through the Division’s Bereavement Services Program social workers provide short-term individual and family counseling, ongoing support groups, and referrals to community resources.

Division of Geriatrics and Palliative Medicine New York-Presbyterian Hospital Weill Cornell Medicine New York, NY